Myra Pontac Speech & Language Therapist

Now relocated to Stroud in Gloucestershire, Myra Pontac is a speech and language therapist who specialises in providing assessments and therapy for individuals with autism.

She has particular expertise in supporting those seeking changes to their school placement. Myra Pontac has extensive experience in this field, having worked with hundreds of cases and over 20 years of experience working with individuals with autism.

She currently works as a consultant therapist at the British Institute for Brain Injured Children (BIBIC), where the majority of clients have an autism diagnosis. Additionally, she has experience working in a school and language unit specifically for individuals with autism.

Myra Pontac uses a variety of standardized assessments, and clients will receive detailed evaluations using appropriate tests and methods. She also provides independent expert reports and sees clients in their own homes or schools.

Formerly based in Streatham, London, Myra Pontac is now contactable via:

Telephone: 01453 768861 or Mobile: 07901 508646

Fern Royal, Middle Street, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 1DZ